Reg. No. G2301 (Act 36/1947)
Namibia Reg. No. V97/24.3/829 [NS0]
Newcastle disease is a controlled disease in terms of the Animal Diseases Act (Act 35/1984). The occurrence or suspicion of this disease must be reported to the responsible state veterinarian immediately.
Nobilis® Ma5 + Clone 30 is a live attenuated freeze-dried vaccine against Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and Newcastle Disease (ND) in chickens and is used for the immunisation of healthy chickens against the Massachusetts type of serologically related types of Infectious Bronchitis and against Newcastle Disease.
Each dose of vaccine contains at least 103,0 EID50 Infectious Bronchitis virus strain Ma5 (serotype Massachusetts) and 106 EID50 of the Newcastle Disease strain Clone 30. Traces of gentamicin, that was used during production, may be present in the final product.